Keep Hydrated
Being even slightly dehydrated decreases the capacity to memorise and think correctly. Ensure your child drinks plenty of water, juice or other healthy drinks.
Working memory is improved by teaching others.
Teaching requires an individual to think about what they have learned and memorise completely to present it to others. Regularly ask your child to teach or explain what they have learnt to you.
Provide nutrition for the brain through memory. Boosting vitamins, such as Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, and food such as salmon and fruits.
Help them to connect an emotion to something they want to remember.
To remember information for a history test. Suggest they think about how they might have felt if that event had happened to them. Then help them connect that emotion to what they are trying to remember. Studies suggest if you make a connection emotionally to something you are trying to remember, you are more likely to commit that information to memory.
Play games designed to improve memory:
Give them 30 seconds to read a supermarket advert with priced items then test them on the item prices.
Read them a story and then have them re-tell it, in full detail.
Show them step by step, how to do something. Then ask them to repeat all of the steps.
(prizes may be needed for these!)