What’s New?
Monthly Book Reviews. Inspiring Your Children to Read for Pleasure.
We’ll be posting a book review each month from our book loving students to promote reading for pleasure! Reading for pleasure has been proven to be beneficial to children’s health as well as their academic progress in all subjects and areas of life.
For more information on the benefits of reading, check out our blog; ‘Benefits of Reading Are Scientifically Backed!’
“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”
– J. K. Rowling
We agree with J. K. Rowling’s words! So, it has been our aim to put together a collection of books that we know our students will love and be inspired by.
Check out a few highlighted books from our booklists below, along with our monthly book reviews written by our students! To access the complete booklist that’s been carefully crafted for each school year click on the links below;
Year 4 – Booklist Year 5 – Booklist Year 6 – Booklist
Highlights from Our Booklists

Our Book Loving Students Write Reviews on their Favourite Reads from Our Booklist.
Here are just some of the great reads we’ll be recommending our students to read this coming year as part of our ‘Accelerated Reading Scheme‘.
Book Reviews by Our Book Loving Students
To access reviews by our students, hit the preferable book title link in the list below.
- The Umbrella Mouse by Anna Fargher
- Malamander by Thomas Taylor
Don’t worry, we’ll be featuring more book reviews from our students as they work their way through their favourite reads from our booklists. We can’t wait to get their feedback and share it with you all! Updates will be shared via our social media platforms.
We hope you students are enjoying ploughing through the booklist we’ve put together at Wirral 11+ Academy. But not all children are natural readers. Some children may find it challenging. How can you parent’s encourage your children to get the most out of their reading? By simply taking some practical steps as follows;
Help Build Enthusiasm for Reading in Your Child
- Let your child see you reading – Whether it be a newspaper, a novel, cookery book or magazine, simply let them see your reading. Anything will suffice!
- Visit the local library together – Making a trip to the library together regulalry and spending time choosing new books.
- Read together – There are lots of available books that are well suited to young ones and old alike. Books that will encourage light hearted conversation between you both.
- Encourage your child to join in – You can simply encourage your child to read out a recipe your cooking, a tv listing when watching the tv etc
- Purchase books or vouchers as presents – And encourage family members and friends on special occasions to do similar.
- Make your home a reading home – Simply having a family bookshelf in the home will encourage reading. Why not add their own personal bookshelf to their bedroom.
- Encourage your child to carry a book with them on all occasions – Then they can read on journey’s or at other opportunities throughout their day. Parents, you can do the same.
- Encourage your child to swap books with their friends – This will encourage them to think and talk about the books they are reading.
- Go to libraries or bookshops when authors are visiting – This can be an exciting event and impress on your child enthusiasm for reading.
We hope you find this list of practical tips useful in helping your child become more enthusiastic and better readers. Let us know how you’ve got on and what has proven to work for your child here.
“Help Build Enthusiasm for Reading In Your Child,” was based on information from Book Trust