Our Tuition FAQs for Parent’s

Answers to frequently asked questions

We appreciate that seeking out an appropriate tutor for your child is not a decision that can be made lightly. Your child is your most treasured bundle of joy! They rely trustfully on the decisions you make. And choosing who will tutor your child, can have an effect on their academic future.

So, if you’ve already looked over our ‘welcome page,’ showcasing what we specialise in, our values, and client feedback and yet still require some further details, then why not peruse the following answers to our tuition FAQs that parents often ask, below.

Tuition FAQ's for Parent's _ FAQ's _ Wirral 11+ Academy _ Wirral Eleven Plus Academy _ Maths English Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning _ Tutoring Services _ Tutors _ Tutor _ Tuition _ Wirral _ 11 Exam _ CEM.jpg
Our Tuition FAQs for Parent’s

Tutoring Practices & Results

When is best to start tutoring my child?

I have been told my child will not pass the 11+ exam.

How many children do you hold per class?

How successful are your pass rates?

Special Requirements

My child is a reluctant reader. Can you accommodate them?

My child has Special Needs. Can you accommodate them?

Charges & Costs

Do you require upfront costs per term, like some other local tutors?

Do you charge or only credit for any missed lessons?

If we require tutoring for the 11+, do you require additional costs for the Upton & St. Anselm's tuition too?


Are you DBS checked?

If you still have some unanswered questions after reading through our tuition FAQs, then feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to talk you through any queries you may have about tutoring your child.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us
Wirral 11+ Academy | Wirral Eleven Plus Academy | Wirral | Tutor | Tutors | Tutoring
‘Building the Best Foundation for your Child’s Future.’

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Contact us!

Wirral 11+ Academy
5 Grange Cross Hey, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 8AA

0151 625 2549




Mon     09:00 – 21:00
Tue      09:00 – 21:00
Wed     09:00 – 21:00
Thu      09:00 – 21:00
Fri         09:00 – 21:00
Sat        10:00 – 17:00
Sun       10:00 – 17:00

2024 GL 11+ Achievements
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Fully Insured | Wirral 11+ Academy | Wirral Eleven Plus Academy | Wirral | Tutoring Services | Tutor | TutorsDBS Checked | Wirral 11+ Academy | Wirral Eleven Plus Academy | Wirral Tutoring Services | Tutor | Tutors

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